If you’re in the scrap plastic recycling business, you know that this business is all about trust. Your trading partners need to be able to verify that they’re getting what they paid for, whether they’re buying mixed plastic bales or other types of scrap plastic. Reputable scrap plastic sellers will also want to prove the quality of their materials by offering easy-to-verify photo evidence.
One of the best ways to ensure an efficient and profitable scrap plastic transaction is with the use of clear, easy-to-take loading photos. Here are a few easy principles to keep in mind so your scrap plastic loading photos will contribute to a more profitable trading operation for you and your partners.
1. Keep it simple: Loading photos are exactly what it sounds like: they are pictures of the actual scrap plastic material purchased, being loaded onto either a dry van or an export or rail container. This ensures that the material you receive is exactly what has been loaded. You don’t need award-winning photography or an expensive camera; just a clear, visible photographic record to prove that the materials have been loaded as promised, at the agreed-upon levels of quantity and quality.
2. Cover your bases: When you’re taking loading photos for your scrap plastic, keep in mind that you need to include several separate shots that show a few successive stages of the loading process. For example, loading photo requirements usually include separate pictures of each of the following stages:
- Empty container
- 1/4 full
- 1/2 full
- 3/4 full
- Full
- One door closed
- Both doors closed and picture of the seal on the door with the number clearly visible
3. Don’t forget the truck: It’s not enough just to provide loading photos of the plastic bales. Sometimes you might also need to include photos of the container number or truck number (located on the inside of the truck or container towards the back). This gives further identification to the actual truck or container being used in the deal, and helps clarify expectations for both partners in the plastic scrap trade.
4. It’s all about tracking: Why do scrap plastic traders use loading photos? While there are reasons related to safety and security, one of the biggest benefits of scrap plastic loading photos is that they help improve the tracking for each deal. For example, if you move 5 or more loads per week from one source, you need identifying characteristics of each truck/container to help better track your material in your own systems. Clear tracking makes it easier to understand which of your customers and trading partners are receiving which shipments. cheap accommodation . Loading photos are part of the overall process to ensure more efficient operations.
5. Reduce your risk of rejections: No one likes to see it happen, but the fact is that scrap plastic trades can sometimes end in a customer rejecting the delivered material. This is another area where accurate, well-organized loading photos can help scrap plastic traders ensure clearer communication and better customer relationships. If you have loading photos on file for each deal, you know the exact material that was loaded and you have proof that the chain of custody was followed properly. Loading photos can help you present a better case to both sides and hopefully resolve any disputes or misunderstandings – as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
The scrap plastic recycling trade is fast-paced, exciting and full of opportunities. But along with an eagerness to do deals, it helps to have a no-nonsense approach to recording and tracking the materials with every truck that gets shipped. Scrap plastic loading photos are one of the easiest ways to give your trading partners (and yourself) additional peace of mind on every shipment.